Protein or peptide name:miPEP172c
Protein or peptide start site:NA
Protein or peptide end site:NA
ncRNA start site:NA
ncRNA end site:NA
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide sequence:MWVLCLFCWPTYTHGS
Protein or peptide length:16aa
ncRNA type:pri-miRNA
ncRNA name:pri-miR172c
Entrez ID:NA
Experimental species:Glycine max (soybean)
Experimental techniques:RT-qPCR
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):Nodules
Description:We showed that exogenous application of synthetic miPEP172c could be used to stimulate miR172c expression. The miR172c activation results in a more active repression of its target gene, the AP2 transcription factor NNC1. The miPEP172c treatment ultimately leads to the stimulation of nodulation in soybean, which is one of the most cultivated legumes is the world.
Subcellular location:NA
Function:Our results showed that, in the same conditions of lack of external nitrogen fertilization, treatment with miPEP172c significantly increased the nodule number observed per plant.
Title of paper:Use of microRNA-encoded peptide miPEP172c to stimulate nodulation in soybean
Year of publication:2016